Saturday, February 28, 2009

This is our Pipe. This is our Smoke.

"You kick the bucket and I'll swing my legs
Always remember the pact that we made,
Too young to die but old is the grave"

If anything and anywhere the best way to start is with a song.
No conscious stream of thought, no where to go with words. blank.
Then magic.
Harmonies with crooning voices and dry, rough, vocals make all the difference.
Kings of Leon makes a difference.

I cannot simply start this blog without tributing many beautiful moments and recent adventures to this song. Andrew and I would agree that this is a "must listen."
People take their coffee black(me) or with cream and sugar(Andrew)- we take the Kings with the windows rolled down and hair blowing in the wind.
This is just how we experience music... I guess it is our natural state.

Our natural state also includes our new obsession with photo booth. Nearly a hundred pictures have now surfaced on my computer, all stages... 1 a.m., no makeup days, sick days, good-looking days... photobooth gets us all. Praise God for Mac's. The fat man simply has nothing on the Mac guy.
Andrew and I have also been getting back into the groove of making mixes. I finally completed my Valentine's mix, which included songs by Arthur and Yu, Artic Monkeys and Cat Stevens. But Andrew, once again, shunned my mix with his own. According to Jason, "it was a really good mix." Mine has no sway(yet).

Other than music and photobooth, the normal school buzz has caught us off guard. We are learning to become better students. I am learning to manage time. Or, I am becoming a real adult. About time. Still, quizzes everyday are hard.
I am also learning how to cook. Andrew is also learning about celebrity gossip.
New times, new faces, new places.
The passion of Atlanta longers. Selling merch for Manchester this summer is on the horizon. Maybe summer camp jobs. (I am still recovering from my fears of that)
This weekend is Andrew's birthday.
This month is our one year anniversary.
My family is coming to visit.
April 22nd is M. Ward.

We never live dull lives.

Tulsa continues to be relaxing.
Robert Pattison's Music is an obsession.(Andrew is not favoring this)
Gossip Girl is still kicking. We're on the second season.
Blogging is becoming more frequent.
People continue to amaze us.
We love you all.


  1. love hearing about your lives. growing up is good. :)and becoming a better real good.

  2. Hey, I never got to hear your mix, Kelsey! Also, do you know what that quote at the top is referring to?
