Saturday, February 28, 2009

This is our Pipe. This is our Smoke.

"You kick the bucket and I'll swing my legs
Always remember the pact that we made,
Too young to die but old is the grave"

If anything and anywhere the best way to start is with a song.
No conscious stream of thought, no where to go with words. blank.
Then magic.
Harmonies with crooning voices and dry, rough, vocals make all the difference.
Kings of Leon makes a difference.

I cannot simply start this blog without tributing many beautiful moments and recent adventures to this song. Andrew and I would agree that this is a "must listen."
People take their coffee black(me) or with cream and sugar(Andrew)- we take the Kings with the windows rolled down and hair blowing in the wind.
This is just how we experience music... I guess it is our natural state.

Our natural state also includes our new obsession with photo booth. Nearly a hundred pictures have now surfaced on my computer, all stages... 1 a.m., no makeup days, sick days, good-looking days... photobooth gets us all. Praise God for Mac's. The fat man simply has nothing on the Mac guy.
Andrew and I have also been getting back into the groove of making mixes. I finally completed my Valentine's mix, which included songs by Arthur and Yu, Artic Monkeys and Cat Stevens. But Andrew, once again, shunned my mix with his own. According to Jason, "it was a really good mix." Mine has no sway(yet).

Other than music and photobooth, the normal school buzz has caught us off guard. We are learning to become better students. I am learning to manage time. Or, I am becoming a real adult. About time. Still, quizzes everyday are hard.
I am also learning how to cook. Andrew is also learning about celebrity gossip.
New times, new faces, new places.
The passion of Atlanta longers. Selling merch for Manchester this summer is on the horizon. Maybe summer camp jobs. (I am still recovering from my fears of that)
This weekend is Andrew's birthday.
This month is our one year anniversary.
My family is coming to visit.
April 22nd is M. Ward.

We never live dull lives.

Tulsa continues to be relaxing.
Robert Pattison's Music is an obsession.(Andrew is not favoring this)
Gossip Girl is still kicking. We're on the second season.
Blogging is becoming more frequent.
People continue to amaze us.
We love you all.

Biomechanic Babe

To run a marathon in my old thinly worn shoes would mean sentencing my feet to a bloody stubby future. Nasty shredded nuggets. A price I was not willing to pay. New shoes would cost money. Another price I was not willing to pay. I dropped out of the marathon.

So Christa had a birthday suprise. Kelsey, Christa, Caden and I piled into the car. We pulled into a shopping center. Jamba Juice. hooray? Maggie Moos. ooh? "close your eyes." eyes closed. car stopped. "open them." The car was parked in front of Fleet Foot. "HUH?! new shoes!" "yes."

It was SO much fun. Austin and I hit it off immediatly. He took ten different feet measurements and gave me the bad news. My right foot is half a size bigger than my left. self esteem shattered. but whatever. whatever. I can handle it. Then he had me run barefoot on a tred mill. They had this video camera right behind the tredmill, zoomed onto my heels. Its creepy to have someone watch your feet so intensly. Austin told me that I had excellent biomechanics. My achilles heel hit the road like Hermes'. self esteem restored and pride boomed. I havent really stopped talking about my perfect biomechanics since. If you wanna watch my heels sometime, just let me know. we can work somthing out. So we tried on several shoes, looking for a pair that disappered on my feet. We found them. Asics. Heres a pic. It kinda looks like I jumped for the picture, but the shoes actually just lift me off the ground. Soaring is the new running. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you wonderful sisters for the perfect birthday present. You guys are the best.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wasting Time

It is two in the morning now.
Andrew has probably gone to bed.
North Hall lobbys are so awkward sometimes.(side note)
Blogging is going to be interesting.
I agree that this is a trial- so I hope whoever reads this finds the entertainment of our blog humorous (as we do).
I am not sure I understand blogging either.

I have recently come to the conclusion that this is going to be fun.
Andrew and I have been trying to download a photo for two hours now.
The computer crashed.
Gossip Girl was good.
Friend requests are always a pleasure to have accepted (facebook comes in handy)
People watching
California late night dates
Adventure Time (check out youtube)
Sam's videos on how girls should act (apparently we are supposed to be dumb and act like we don't know what we're talking about)
I failed to excercize today-so I am not going to bed just yet (despite Andrew's blog)
If you get a chance listen to Manchester Orchestra.
Welp. I am new to this.
oh one more thing: if you get a chance- I recommend Mexican food.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Its one in the morning and Kelsey needs to go to bed.
I am grumpy. and I defintetly don't believe in blogs.
This is a stupid idea.
That just. might. work.
yeah its never going to work.
so hello.
and goodbye.
get some sleep kiddos.
or santa isn't coming.